Bash Script

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Bash Script

Scripting Security

All of the Script are beginning with content below:

set -o nounset
set -o errexit  

To do this for avoiding two common problem:

  • Referencing undefined variables.
  • Ignore failing to execute cmds.

At errexit mode, although it can catch the errors effectively, it can’t capture all of the failed cmd. In some cases, some of the failed cmd is unable to detect.

Use [[ ]] Replace [ ]

Use [[ ]] can avoid problems such as the file name extension of the exception. And it can bring a lot of improvement in grammar and also adds new features.

The variable and explanation

||  #logic `or`(only used in double [])
&&  #logic `and`(only used in double [])
<   #character string compare
-lt #digital compare
=   #character string eq
==  #by globbing string comparison(used only in double square brackets)
=~  #use regular expressions to perform string comparisons(used only in double square brackets)
-n  #retval NULL string
-z  #NULL character
-eq #digital equal
-ne #digital unequal

Regular Expression / Globbing


[[ "$t" == abc* ]]         # true (globbing comparison)
[[ "$t" == "abc*" ]]       # false (literal comparison)
[[ "$t" =~ [abc]+[123]+ ]] # true (regular expression comparison)
[[ "$t" =~ "abc*" ]]       # false (literal comparison)

String comparison can also be used as Globbing to the case statement:

case $t in
abc*)  <action> ;;

String Operations

1.Basic Operations


len="${#f}"        # = 20 (length of a string) 
# slicing operation: ${<var>:<start>} or ${<var>:<start>:<length>}
slice1="${f:6}"    # = "path2/file.ext"
slice2="${f:6:5}"  # = "path2"
slice3="${f: -8}"  # = "file.ext"(Note:front of "-" is a blank space)
slice4="${f:${pos}:${len}}" # = "path2"

2.Replacement Operation

single_subst="${f/path?/x}"   # = "x/path2/file.ext"
global_subst="${f//path?/x}"  # = "x/x/file.ext" 
# splitting strings
readonly DIR_SEP="/"
array=(${f//${DIR_SEP}/ })
second_dir="${arrray[1]}"     # = path2

3.Remove the head or tail

# remove the head of the string.
extension="${f#*.}"  # = "ext" 
# remove the head of string through greedy matching.
filename="${f##*/}"  # = "file.ext" 
# remove the tail of the string.
dirname="${f%/*}"    # = "path1/path2" 

# remove the tail of string through greedy matching.
root="${f%%/*}"      # = "path1"   

Build-in Variable

The variable and explanation

$0 #the name of script  
$n #the n-th variable of deliveriing to script
$$ #the PID of script
$! #the PID of previous executed-CMD  
$? #the state of the previous CMD exited
$# #the number of variable dliveried to script
$@ #the all of variable dliveried to script
$* #the all of variable of dliveried to script(as a character string)   


1.Grammar Check to the Script

bash -n

2.Trace the executing cmd in Script

bash -v 

3.Trace the executing cmd and extend the information in Script

bash -x

You can use set -o verbose and set -o xtrace in front of the script to assign -v -x eternally.

When do you not need to use script

  • The script is too long, up to hundreds of lines.
  • You need more complex than an array data structure.
  • Escape with complex problems.
  • Too much character string to dispose.
  • Don’t need to interact with other applications through pipe.
  • Worry about performance.


## 块设备层分析 ##IO无论是经过EXT3文件系统还是块设备文件,最终都要通过writeback机制将数据刷新到磁盘,除非用户在对文件进行读写的时候采用了`Direct IO`的方式。为了提高性能,文件系统或者是裸设备都会采用Linux的cache机制对数据读写性能进行...… Continue reading


Published on February 22, 2017

Linux Direct I/O

Published on January 12, 2017